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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Whole School Information and events

Celebrating the coronation of King Charles - 5th May 2023 

As a school community we celebrated the King's coronation in many ways! The children were invited to wear red, white and blue and took part in "coronation" themed activities throughout the day. Mrs Williams and Mr Fisher lead our whole school assembly where we learnt lots about King Charles and his life! 

Our Nursery children made this fantastic display for their snack - almost too good to eat!!!

To finish the day, we came together again and each class brought their contribution to our St Joseph's timecapsule. We hope that in the future the children and staff at St Joseph's will find it and learn all about what it was like to be at our school in 2023. We have included lots of information about the school including pictures and descriptions alongside newspaper articles about current topics and digital records about the school!

 World Book Day - 7th March 2024

The children had a fantastic day dressing up and sharing their books together.  The paper plate competition was a huge success and we have made a display of all their brilliant work. We love reading !
