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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

 Our teacher is Miss Penman-Saint

Mrs Page teaches us on a Tuesday morning, to cover Miss Penman-Saint's PPA time. 

Mrs Charman works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

Mrs Keen works with us on a Thursday and Friday.


Wednesday - Sports Hall Athletics

Thursday - Tag Rugby (with PE specialist Mr Irish)

Please ensure full PE kits are in school at all times, as PE lessons may have to take place on different days due to weather. If your child has no kit then they will unfortunately be unable to join in.


Please look at the Homework Grid in your child's homework book, and on our class page. Your child needs to complete one activity from the grid each week, showing proof of completion in their book. Please cross off the activity once completed, as each week, a new one will need to be done.

All spellings for the Autumn Term can be found on the class page. Please ensure the correct list is practiced for the test on the following Friday. 


Times Tables


At the end of Year 4, all children will be completing the statutory Multiplication Tables Check. In this test, the children will answer 25 times tables questions, and they will be given 6 seconds to answer. Their fluency needs to be very fast, so please ensure that your child goes on TT Rockstars regularly at home. It is important that practice is done at school and at home for the test to be completed confidently and accurately. 



Please try and read with your child 5 times a week. Reading aloud is such an important skill to be able to do! In Year 4 we try to hear all children individually 1x per fortnight. As well as this, they will be heard weekly in Guided Reading too.

Year 4 Homework Grid - Autumn Term

Our Guided Reading Books for the year:


Bill's New Frock


Charlotte's Web


The Wind in the Willows


Year 4 Class TimeTable

Curriculum Evening PowerPoint
