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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


My name is Miss Lacy.

The helpers in our class are Miss Cooper, Mrs Francis and Mr. Perryman.

We hope you enjoy looking around our class page, you will find lots of interesting things here to look at. 


This will always be handed out on a Friday and expected back by Tuesday the following week. Spellings will also be handed out on Fridays but the test will be the following Friday, this is so they have a full week to get to grips with their spellings. Homework will generally be a piece of maths and a piece of English with the occasional the occasional piece of topic.


We are currently learning about Pentecost in R.E. We have been discussing the importance of wind and fire in our lives, and why the Holy Spirit was sent down to Earth. How do you think the apostles were feeling when God sent the Holy Spirit after the Ascension?

Miss Lacy's Challenge of the Week

Here are some websites you can use to practice your times tables:


Our new topic this term is France. We kick-started the unit of work with 'French Day' We enjoyed a French breakfast and carried out lots of fun activities to find out about the location of France as well as some themed maths quizzes. 

