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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School


Year 6 Age Related Outcomes

· Pupils will be able to Show understanding of the meaning of the term Sacramental imagination. AT1/AT2

· Pupils will show understanding of the meaning and purpose of Sacraments and the way these are lived out in the lives of believers. AT1

· Pupils will be able to relate sacraments to scripture. (at least one)

· Pupils will show understanding, (with scaffolding if necessary), of how specific pictures can reveal the meaning of sacraments.

· Pupils will with reference to the question ‘Does God call people today’ engage in some, moral and philosophical debate AT2

· Pupils will be able to independently use Biblical stories and other evidence to justify their conclusions to the question ‘Do the Sacraments help people live their lives?’ AT3


Year 5 Age Related Outcomes 

  • Pupils will be able to make links between passages in scripture relating to marriage and priesthood and our beliefs. AT1
  •  Pupils will be able to describe the sacrament of marriage. Explain the meaning of the symbolism within the rite and what these might mean to someone who was married in church. Explain how taking part in this sacrament might affect the life of the person.
  • Pupils will be able to give reasons why people chose to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders and how this might affect their lives.AT2
  •  Pupils will be able to compare their own and other peoples’ ideas to the question should you get married in Church. AT3
  •   Pupils will be able to give their own views, with reasons, on whether the role of a priest is still      important today? AT3


Year 4 Age Related Outcomes

  •  Pupils will be able to describe the key points in the Sacrament of Baptism AT1
  • Pupils will be able to explain the purpose of most of the signs used in Baptism and make some links with the meaning they hold in the lives of Christians   AT1
  • Pupils will be able to link at least one piece of scripture to Baptism AT1
  • Pupils will be able to ask relevant questions concerning the rite of Baptism and the role of the Parents and God parents. AT2
  • Pupils will be able to express a view on whether parents who do not go to church should have their child baptised. AT3
  • Pupils will be able to describe the key points in the Sacrament of confirmation AT1
  • Pupils will be able to explain the purpose of most of the signs used in confirmation and make some links with the meaning they hold for Christians AT1
  • Pupils will be able to link at least one piece of scripture to confirmation AT1
  • Pupils will be able to ask relevant questions concerning the rite of confirmation and the role of the Bishop and Sponsor. AT2


Year 3 - RED Year 3 Branch 6: ‘I can’ statements for year 3/4 pupils

  • I can make links between Exodus (12:1-8, 15-20, 13.3), and the account of the Last Supper in Luke (22:14-23)
  • I can simply describe how Jewish people celebrate the Passover in Britain today. I can use specialist vocabulary accurately to describe symbols and actions in the meal..
  • I can make simple links and connections between Islamic religious law/belief and how Muslims worship and live their lives.
  • I can make simple links and connections between Islamic religious law/belief and how Muslims worship and live their lives


Year 2 Working at Age Related Outcomes

  • Pupils will be able to say very simply what a Sacrament is AT1
  • Pupils will be able to name 7 Sacraments and at least 2 symbols of the Sacraments
  • Pupils will be able to give at least one reason why the Eucharist is important to Catholics. AT2
  • Pupils will be able to State what happens in the Liturgy of the WordAT1
  • Pupils will know what a Reader is and the role they play in Mass AT1
  • Pupils will be able to ask questions of people who do go to mass AT2



Year 1 Working at Age Related Outcomes

  • Pupils will be able to recognise the story of Peter asking Jesus about forgiveness
  • Pupils will be able to recognise that Jesus asks people to forgive each other AT1
  • Pupils will recognise that Jesus taught that God always forgives People AT1
  • Pupils will be able to recognise the story of the Servant and the kingAT1
  • Pupils will be able to talk about their own experiences of a) falling out with a friend or family member, b)being angry with someone c) being able to say sorry or make up with some one. AT2
  • Pupils will be able to draw a picture showing forgiveness AT2


EYFS - Dialgue and Encounter Branch Planning 

I know that Peter was a friend of Jesus

I know Saint Paul was a friend of Jesus.

I know that we are all invited to be friends with Jesus.

People all over the world are friends of Jesus
