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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

British Values

British Values at St Joseph's

The DFE have recently reinforced the need for schools to encourage pupils to respect British values of:


  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


and Ofsted reflect this in their expectations that schools must "promote preparation for, and an appreciation of life in modern Britain".

Exploring religious and different social beliefs, in a peaceful and non-violent way and learning how to show respect for those with different ideas, cultures and traditions, is a valuable part of growing up and something we encourage.  We endeavour to protect children from extremist and violent views that are contrary to these aims.

St Joseph's Nursery - British Values


As part of our focus on democracy we have been voting on our favourite fruits and food. We have made graphs using the 2Count program on the computer to record our results as well as voting to select our favourite snack time fruit. 

In the Autumn term we worked together to devise a set of Class rules and we have been reminding each other what they are to try and not break them.


In Reception class we have been looking at British values in our topic and circle time. As a class we talk about how and why we should treat others equally and with respect. We discuss in groups about decision making and understanding what is right and what is wrong. In RE, we enjoy learning about other cultures and beliefs and learning to respect people's differences. Most of all we try our best to help one another at all times.

Year 2


In year 2 we have been learning all about British Values. We have been comparing British life to that of other countries. We have been learning about the consequences of our actions and how to be a good citizen.

Year 4


In year 4 British Values runs through the core of our learning.  Rights, responsibilities and respect are very important to us.  We enjoy discussing how our society is different to those in the past and those in other countries too.


Year 5


British Values 


In yr 5 we have been comparing British life with life in Ghana.

We have been working on fair trade.

Through this topic, we have been looking at mutual respect and democracy.  
