Term 1 Value focus - Stewardship
During term 1 we focus on our value of Stewardship.
Stewardship, quite simply, is recognising that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.
As Pope Francis explains,
It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.
— Pope Francis, March 19, 2013
The children at St Joseph's have explored what makes a good steward and how we can be good stewards in our community. Our Friday liturgy has been focussed on Stewardship to help develop the children's knowledge and understanding.
What makes a good steward / How can we show that we are stewards of creation?
Cleaning litter with litter picker
Walk to places rather than take the car
Turn off the lights when not in room
Plant new trees
Don't' leave the tap on when you brush your teeth and you will save 18 glasses of water!!
To help your parents at home and do chores so they have less to do
Recycling, to look after the environment
Turning off lights when you leave a room
When you can, walk to places rather than driving.
To help those in need or who are less fortunate than you.
Tucking in a chair
Tidy a mess
Caring for the world
Someone who always tries to make the world a better plac
Turn off lights, taps
Listen, don't hear – make sure we act
Going on litter picks to help your area
Turning off the lights when you are not in the room
When you're brushing your teeth turn off the tap
Walk to school to prevent car fumes
Planting new trees and wild flowers
Term 2 Value focus - Respect
Our focus this term is on Respect.
We used remembrance day as a way of showing our respect for those who lost their lives in conflict. Our "Poppy Tree" gave the community a chance to pay their personal respect to love ones. As part of Anti-Bullying week we remembered that each and every one of us are special, unique and created in the image of God.
Remembering those who gave their lives long ago is an important act that honours those who have passed and reminds us of the bravery of our current-day veterans and active-duty members of the Armed Forces, some of whom have also died or been injured in the service of our nation. At the Remembrance Day parade on Sunday, Mrs Green presented a Poppy Wreath on behalf of everyone at St Joseph's School.
How can we show respect?
If someone is sad, invite them to your game
Listen carefully to our teachers
Respect other peoples ideas in your class
Listen and be kind about other peoples opinions
Treat others how you wish to be treated
Treat others how you want to be treated
Always offer to play with others, even if they are different to you
Offer to help you parents with chores at home
Don't argue with people, even if they don't have the same opinion as you
To know that everyone is different, and that is okay.
1. No silly noises when my friends are speaking aloud in class.
2. Listen to others when you don't agree with them.
3. Help others when they don't realize they need it.
4. Use please and thank you even when you are having a rough day.
5. Turn off the lights, tidy up after yourselves.
Look after our planet.
If someone is talking show active listening.
Listen to parents.
Do things without being asked.
Help someone in need.
Term 3 Value focus - Curiosity
Our focus this term is on Curiosity
At St Joseph's we want our children to be curious about the world around them and encourage them to ask questions about our wonderful world. We want to inspire them to have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn.
"The important thing is to never stop questionning" Albert Einstein
How can we show Curiosity in school and at home?
Term 4 Value focus - Forgiveness
Our focus this term is on Forgiveness - Forgiveness is the art of letting go and moving on.
Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.
When we have been hurt by another, it can be very difficult to come to terms with the woundedness we feel. But by accepting and embracing our own wounds we open a door to forgiveness and new life. Too often people hoard grudges in their hearts which eventually affect their ability to develop healthy human relationships.
One of the most important skills we each need is that of knowing how to forgive. There is an African proverb which states: ‘He who forgives ends the quarrel.’ Forgiveness builds us up and helps us move on; whereas revenge destroys and creates bitterness. Forgiving helps us to heal our own wounds.
How can we show Forgiveness in school and at home?
When my mum asked me to tidy my room, and I didn't do it. Later on I did and I said sorry to my mum.
When I was fighting with my brother, I pushed him and then I said sorry.
When I've hurt someone at school, I always say sorry.
When I had an argument with *, we both said sorry to each other.
When I broke my mums mug, I then said sorry!
Say sorry
Be kind even if someone has been unkind
Play with them
Talk through your problem
Shake hands
If someone is unkind to you but then apologise, you can forgive them to hold a grudge
If someone annoyed you in the playground yesterday, it is important to try to play with them today to show empathy and kindness
Always play with others even if you have fallen out and you do not have to bring it up again
Smile to others and be positive to show you have forgiven them
Try and do something nice to those who have previously hurt your feelings – show with your body and actions that you are ready to forgive.
Be kind to each other
Be tender hearted
Forgive one another, Jesus forgives so I must too
Move on (don’t hold a grudge).
Forgive our brothers and sisters by playing with them
Don’t hold a grudge (say sorry and move on)
Say sorry
Don’t get cross with others if they make a mistake or do things by accident
God forgave Jonah so we would follow his example.
Term 5 Value focus - Love
This term we are focussing on our value of Love. Love is when you care about someone or something and you try very hard to take care of them and keep them safe. This term we will be thinking about what Love means to us and how God want's us to show love to others.
Term 6 Value focus - Resilience
This term our focus is on our value of Resilience. We have defined Resilience as:
"Bouncing back after challenges, when things get tough or go wrong - to never give up. Always trying your best and not being afraid to make mistakes. Standing up for yourself and what you believe in. Being the best person you can be!
"Don't be afraid and panic as God is with you. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid to try anything, for Jesus will be with you". Deuteronomy 31:6