Year 1
To know the name of the liturgical season Christmas.
To know the basic meaning of Christmas.
To know the story of the Annunciation, which explains why we call Mary ‘Mother of God’ and that we celebrate this on 1st January.
To know that we hear about the Good News of Jesus’ Birth in Scripture.
To know why people thought Jesus was special. (Luke 2: 11)
To know the story of Jesus being born and compare and contrast the Birth with the birth of a baby today.
To know the story of the Wise Men and explore reasons for bringing gifts.
Year 2
To recall the story of the Annunciation.
To identify reasons why Mary agreed to be the mother of Jesus. (Mary is celebrated as the Mother of God in the Christmas season on 1st January.)
To recognise the difficulties Mary and Joseph had to overcome to get to Bethlehem.
To know why journeys are important in the Christmas story.
To know the story of the Magi and describe the difficulties and reasons for their journey.
To know the story of the flight to Egypt.
To know why we think about the homeless and refugees at Christmas.
Year 4
To understand that God prepared the people of Israel for the coming of Jesus.
To understand the connections between the Christmas story and other Church celebrations and feasts.
To know and understand the important part played by angels in the different parts of the Christmas story.
To recognise and explore how we are messengers of Good News today.
Year 5
To understand how the Gospel of Matthew expressed Jesus as the fulfilment of God’s promise.
To know and understand the impact of the Birth of Jesus on his local community (with special reference to King Herod).
To explore the effect that journeys had on the Holy Family.
To explore the circumstances of Jesus’ Birth and what effect that has on the ministry of the Church. (Jesus was born in poor circumstances
To understand the ritual and symbolism of the Christmas season and that Christmas is a time of prayer.
Year 6
To know and understand the Gospel accounts of the Birth of Jesus found in the Gospel of St Matthew and the Gospel of St Luke.
To explore the impact of the Birth of Jesus.
To understand why the message of Jesus’ Birth was revealed to shepherds first and not King Herod.
To identify the symbolism of the gifts.
To know the Prologue of St John’s Gospel.
To understand the images of Jesus contained in the Prologue.
Using the Prologue, explore the relationship between Jesus and the Father.
To understand the terms ‘Incarnation’ and ‘Word made flesh’