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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Prayers, Saints and Feasts

Prayers, Saints and Feasts – Age Related Outcomes  


Year 6  

  • Pupils will be able to consider different people’s responses to prayer and explain the Catholic church’s view on Prayer AT1 & AT2  

  • Pupils will be able to explain their own views on heaven and hell and say what informs their beliefs AT2  

  • Pupils will be able to explain why in November Catholics remember those who have died.  AT1  

  • Pupils will be able to show understanding of the meaning of prayers used to pray for those who have died AT1  

Year 5  

  • Make Links between the Lord’s Prayer and scripture in order to show understanding of the prayer AT1  

  • To show understanding of Jesus’ view of prayer by making links to various scripture stories AT1  

  • To compare their own and other people’s views to the question ‘If you are a Christian, should praying the Our Father, change the way you live?’ AT2  

Year 4 

  • Pupils will be able to make links between the prayer of St Teresa, the teaching of Jesus and the way Christians try to live. AT1  

  • Pupils will be able to give reasons why people go on Pilgrimage and use a developing religious vocabulary to help them do this (this wold include ideas about an outer and inner journey [Pilgrims shell]) AT1&AT2  

  • Pupils will be able to make links to show how the beliefs and experiences of people might lead them to go on pilgrimage AT2  

  • Pupils will be able to compare their own and others’ ideas about questions which are difficult to answer such as ‘Why doesn’t everyone who goes to Lourdes get healed?’ or ‘Does going on a pilgrimage change you as a person?’ AT3 (providing they support their view with evidence) (note: to answer the question why everyone doesn’t who goes to Lourdes get healed you would need to think about Prayer.  We are asking God for help that doesn’t always mean being physically cured but it may be that we feel closer to God, we feel greater strength or acceptance/not so isolated etc. -  just knowing that people are there for you may help)  

  • Pupils will be able to make links between the prayer of St Teresa, the teaching of Jesus and the way Christians try to live. AT 

Year 3 – Prophecy and Promise  

  • Recognise and name some of the objects in a church using religious language 

  • To understand why Catholics go to Mass 

  • To recognise the different rules people have when they take part in the Mass. 

  • To recognise the structure of the Mass 

  • To be able to name the different parts of the Liturgy of the Word and explain the meaning of this part of the Mass. 

Year 2

  • Pupils will be able to state what a Liturgical Year is. AT1  

  • Pupils will be able to give a simple definition of the major seasons of the Church’s Year AT1  

  • Pupils will know that each season has its own colours and symbols  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise the words Holy Day, Nativity, Epiphany and Ascension   

  • Pupils will be able to state what a Holy Day is in the Catholic Church and name at least 2 Holy Days.   

  • Pupils will be able to express an opinion on whether they think Holy Days are important. AT2  

Year 1

  • Pupils will be able to recognise that prayer is talking to and listening to God (AT1)  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise some of the different types of prayers and the places where people pray (AT1)  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise the words Prayer, thanksgiving, Church’s Year, genuflect, priest, reader, altar server (AT1)  

  • Pupils will recognise some of the prayers used in school (AT1)  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise some of the roles of people who help in Church (AT1)  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise that people want to share their feelings with God through prayer (AT2)  

  • Pupils will be able to recognise that sometimes people want to go to special places to pray, like a church. (AT2)  

  • Pupils will be able to say what they think people might talk to God about (AT2)  
