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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Reception / Year 1

 Welcome to our class page!


Our Reception/Year 1 team are:


Mrs Williams (Teacher), Mrs Page (Teacher) & Mrs Price (TA)




We can be contacted on the following emails:


Miss Cooper covers PPA on Thursday afternoons and Mrs Page covers all day on Fridays.



Welcome to the Summer Term.  Our new topic for Year 1 is 'Where in the World.'

We will cover the following;

Name and locate the world’s seven continents. 

Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods of time (History of flight).   

Know about significant individuals who have contributed to flight – The Wright Brothers.                           

Compare similarities and difference between Burnham-on-Sea and a country in Africa (Kenya).                   

Compare weather patterns between the UK and Africa.                                          

Sort and label key human and physical features on photographs.                                                            

Use directional language to talk through a map.                                                                                 

Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of my school and its grounds (Journey string).





Homework & Reading

Children will take home a reading book and reading record book each day. Please use this record book to record when they have read and a short message of how they got on. Please ensure children have these in their book bags each school day. 

Children also have their own Tapestry Early Learning Journal online.  You can add observations of your child from home which can count towards appropriate assessments.

There is also a yellow homework book sent home each Friday with a short activity linked to either their Maths/Phonics learning for Reception children and for Year 1 they will have a Maths and English based activity.  This needs to be returned no later than Wednesday AM.

This term we will begin to send out spellings to practise. Please do not panic, this is just a great way for the children to develop their segmenting skills. Words will be matched to their current phonic knowledge using graphemes from phase 2/3.


Our reception children will join the main 'Reception' class for Understanding the World, daily phonics, Maths and RE lessons.  Our role play area will be transformed into a home corner with opportunities for the children to use their imagination cooking, ironing, setting the table, making phone calls and looking after babies Millie and Blue. 


Spellings are also handed out on Friday's ready for a test the following Friday. Please make sure the children are practicing their spellings every week.


Share a story journal

Every week on a Friday, one child from the class will bring home the 'Share a story journal'. This is a further opportunity for you to read with your child while enjoying a nice cup of 'hot chocolate' (provided by the school). If it is your turn to complete the journal, we ask that it is returned on the Monday.  Please record who you shared the book with, what was your favourite page and why?  It would also be good if you could stick in a photo of you having your yummy hot chocolate.    



PE is currently on a  Tuesday (after break) and a Friday (after break). Please ensure your child has the correct (named) kit (including daps or trainers) on these days.


Important Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 15th May - Reception and R/1 attending Church @9:30AM

Monday 20th May - Crowning of Mary @2:30pm - parents welcome

Wednesday 5th June @1:30pm 'Parental Conflict Workshop'

Friday 21st June - Sports Day

Friday 28th June - Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 24th July - last day of Summer Term!
