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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School


Internet Safety Day 2024 Assembly: led by our E-Safety Team. The focus of this year is 'Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online'.

E-Safety lesson Spring B. Today we continued the termly theme of being safe and secure in our relationships online. I have attached the plan if you have any questions with regards to the materials used.

In Reception we have linked our e-safety learning with being able to ask for help when needed. We played a game and had a class discussion each time we were faced with a scenario. We had time to talk with our talk partners and come up with ideas practising asking for help.

In Year 2 we read the story of Digi-Duck's Big Decision. We had lots of discussion as we read the story. We then matched emojis to the different parts of the story.

In Year 6 we have identified the difference in facts and opinions and how this looks online. Please feel free to have a look at the content of the PowerPoint.

Today in our E-Safety lesson we read Smartie the Penguin. We learned before you tap and click, you need to stop and think and tell someone if we are unsure when we are online.
