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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Spring Term

Science - We have been enjoying our new science unit “Properties and changes of materials” We have been classifying materials by their properties. Here we are looking at the transparency of materials.

PSHE - thinking about our futures, researching what’s needed to reach our dream jobs. Amongst our class we had inspiring teachers, coaches, police offices and zoo keepers!

Art - using charcoal to create our symbols

Dance - We have created paired dancing, using actions and reactions. They had to pretend to break out the box.

French - we have been learning to order breakfast in French. We pretended to visit the cafe and put in our order.

Children’s mental health week - This year the theme is ‘ Know yourself, Grow yourself’ We had a lovely discussion, talking about what makes us happy and content and techniques we use when tough times hit.

English - It is National Story Telling Week. We joined with children, across the country, for a story telling workshop with the best selling Author Tola Ogogwu.

History - We enjoyed a fantastic trip to The Museum of Somerset. We took part in three Tudor workshops which linked perfectly with our history unit. We made Tudor soap, learnt how to write with a quill and ink and visited the Tudor Armshouse. In the afternoon we had a tour around the museum. Great fun was had by all!

Computing - Today we thought about the risks of sharing pictures and videos online. We looked at an example and flashed forward to different outcomes.

English - Today we took on the role of Beowulf in a hot seating activity. We wrote questions to ask Beowulf to deepen our understanding of his character. We had to move, speak and act like Beowulf.

RE- Today was the launch day for the Jubilee year. We learnt about being pilgrims of hope. We discussed the jubilee symbol and thought about what hope means to us.

English - some amazing final kennings based on Beowulf, including all four different types of kenning: open compound, hyphenated compound, possessive and prepositional.

Music - We had the pleasure of listening to Somerset brass playing a variety of music from old to new. It was fantastic!

Science - Today we looked at how water resistance slows objects down. We understand, streamline shapes travelled quicker through water.

PSHE Today we thought about the value of different jobs in society. We discussed whether wages always matched the importance of the job

English - summarising Beowulf by acting out the key parts

Science - investigating the effects of air resistance with different sized parachutes,

PE - Today we started work on the vault. We had three alternatives to cater for everyone’s skills.

RE - Today we were thinking about what Jesus may have looked like and why. We drew our own representations of Christ and looked at artist’s representations.

French - Today we role-played a cafe. We had to give our orders in French. The rest of the class had to guess our orders.
