Year Group Objectives:
EYFS - please note that our EYFS children are following the new RED curriculum continuing their learning journey with Branch 5 "Ends of the Earth". Their objectives are:
- I know Jesus went back to his Father.
- I know that Jesus sent His friend - the Holy Spirit
- I know that the Holy Spirit is our friend.
- Jesus’ friends spread the Good News about Him
- The Parish Church is a special place.
- Our parish is a family and a community
Year 1 - Age related outcomes
- Pupils will recognise the basic Easter story
- Pupils will recognise that because of the resurrection story Christians believe that God is with them
- Pupils will specific words and phrases like: resurrection, empty tomb, messenger
- Pupils will recognise at least 3 symbols of the resurrection
- Pupils will be able to say what the wonder about concerning the resurrection
Year 2 - Age related outcomes
- Pupils will be able to retell the Easter story from the perspective of Peter
- Pupils will be able to use subject specific words and phrases like: resurrection, empty tomb, Paschal Candle
- Pupils will be able to state symbols connected with Easter
- Pupils will be able to describe all the symbols on the Paschal Candle.
- Pupils will be able to describe some ways in which the disciples responded to the resurrection
- Pupils will be able to confidently ask and answer some questions about the resurrection and the feelings of the disciples encountering the risen Christ
- Pupils will be able to state in a simple way the meaning the story holds for Christians
Year 3 - please note that our Y3 children are following the new RED curriculum continuing their learning journey with Branch 5 "Ends of the Earth". Their objectives are:
- To understand more about the story of the road to Emmaus and how it links to the pattern of Mass
- To show an understanding of artistic impressions of the Road to Emmaus
- To describe Matthew’s account of the story of the Ascension.
- To reflect on the meaning of the Ascension
- To reflect on the meaning of the Ascension
- How Christians use prayers and hymns to remind them of the belief in the Trinity.
- To find out what happened after the Ascension.
- To explore why Mary is important in the Ascension story.
- To explore how members of the early church tried to live in the way Jesus would have wanted.
- To explore how members of the early church tried to live in the way Jesus would have wanted.
- To know that there are different types of writing in the Bible.
Year 4 - Age related outcomes
- Pupils will be able to explain how the resurrection stories including the Journey to Emmaus link to Christian belief today (This presumes they know the stories) AT1
- Pupils will be able to give reasons for the actions of the disciples after the resurrection AT2
- Pupils will be able to ask relevant questions about the resurrection what happened on the road to Emmaus (AT2)
- Pupils will be able to explain how artists use symbolism in pictures to convey their understanding of the Resurrection/Ascension and Journey to Emmaus AT1
- Pupils will using evidence from one gospel account to support their view be able to answer ‘The resurrection changed the way the disciples felt’ AT3 (please note this is about the resurrection stories only so if for example using The Journey to Emmaus they would be able to talk about the fact that as they set off on their journey they were sad and had no hope and then
Year 5 - Age related outcomes
- Pupils will show understanding of what the Triduum is by describing the 3 parts of the Triduum.
- Pupils will be able to show an understanding of the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday night and explain how this might affect the actions of Christians
- Pupils will be able to explain describe and explain the symbolism used in the Easter Vigil. (This will include an understanding of the purpose of the different parts of the liturgy- they make still require some scaffolding)
- Pupils will be able to show understanding of how the Easter Vigil links to other sources in Scripture.
- Describe and show understanding of the beliefs of the Christian Church expressed in and through the Vigil.
- Engage with the question of’ what do the baptismal promises mean is it difficult to keep the baptismal promises?’ AT2/ AT3 They should evidence their answers
Year 6 - Age related outcomes
- Describe and show understanding of different Gospel accounts of the resurrection AT1
- Show understanding of how the beliefs expressed in these stories shaped the lives of the disciples(and show how people’s lives today might be informed by these accounts AT2
- Using religious terms show understanding of the funeral rite and the symbols used AT1
- Engage with and respond to the question “Did the resurrection happen” and “Why do Christians believe there is life after death” AT3