Welcome to Nursery - Slideshow for New Nursery Children
Below is a photograph of the things you will need your child to have at Nursery. Please can you make sure they are clearly labelled on the outside as shown in the photo. They will need:
A lunch box if not having hot meals.
A drinks bottle
A small bag with spare clothes,
A coat as we go out everyday whatever the weather (hats, scarves and gloves in the Winter),
A pair of welly boots.
This week we have been making stickman on our welly walks.
We have also been reading the story, ‘Tiddler’ and acting it out using puppets.
We are really enjoying reading lots of Julia Donaldson books we have been voting on our favourite one so far it is, ‘Stickman’.
Julia Donaldson inspired activities
This week we have started a project around the stories written by Julia Donaldson. We have started looking at the story, ‘Tiddler’ we have started to share the story in the story tent outside. We have also made some friends for Tiddler by finger painting some new fish.
On our Welly walks we have collected natural materials and made collage artwork of the mouse and snake from the, ‘Gruffalo’ and the witches hat and broom from, ‘Room on the Broom”.
In PE we have continued our work on balancing and travelling however we have extended our circuit and also replicated a balance circuit outside.
Making Gruffalo and Room on the Broom inspired artwork.
Collage finished pieces
Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year.
This week we have been talking about our favourite Christmas presents and drawing pictures of them to show what they look like and how they work.
In PD we have started some balance and travelling across small benches.
On our welly walks we have been looking for different types of birds we managed to spot pigeons,seagulls,crows and magpies. We have decided to hang some seed in our garden to encourage smaller birds onto our site.
Bird watch welly walk
Bird and frosty welly walk
Christmas Party Day
Christmas party day
We shared a delicious Christmas dinner today thank you Angela.
Christmas Dinner
Elves nearly got to the biscuits first!
Today the children made melting snowmen biscuits for their snack.
Making melting snowmen biscuits for snack
We have had great fun over the last few weeks celebrating and making things for Christmas.
We have made snowmen,Gingerbread house cards and lanterns.
We have shared lots of Christmas stories and songs.
The Christmas performance was amazing and now we are looking forward to our Christmas party.
Christmas Fun!
This week we have finished making our 3D carnival floats.
We have also played lots of phase 1 phonic games in small groups to help work on turn taking and hearing sounds.
We have now become really good at our daily teeth brushing see photos below.
This week we have started to make 3D carnival floats after being inspired by our local illuminated carnival.
In PE we have continued with “Write Dance’ as well as working on throwing and catching.
On our welly walks we have used chunky chalks to draw fireworks and poppies on the playground.
Making carnival floats
This week we have had an explosion of firework activities!
We have created some small scale pieces of artwork painting fireworks using earbuds which helped us to concentrate on our fine motor control. We have also made some large scale pieces of art by throwing balls covered in paint on a piece of black paper which helped us with gross motor control.
In PE we danced like fireworks using Pom poms.
A Firework Frenzy of activities!
Large scale Firework Art
Firework Art
Firework Art
Large firework
Large fireworks
We had a really fun Pumpkin Party Day!
Pumpkin Party
This week we have been checking are knowledge of 2D shape. We have been looking for shapes on our welly walks around our outside environment. We have also been cutting out rectangles and counting corners and sides on shapes such as squares, triangles and pentagons.
Looking for 2D shapes
This week we have had a focus on counting and knowing the end number. We played a counting game called, ‘Ladybirds’ which helped with counting as well as opportunities to see objects as groups.
On our welly walks we looked at how many tyres, windscreen wipers and windows were on Mrs Lovibond-Stephens and Mr Franklins cars.We then recorded our findings using tally style marks.
In PE we continued with Write Dance drawing a rainbow song as well dancing with Pom poms.
Counting features of cars and recording our findings.
This week the older children from the School Council helped the Nursery children to plant Spring bulbs as part of our Live Simply Pledge.
In PE we continued Write Dance and played some circle games.
As part of our adult led activities we have continued to work on making Family Trees as well as creating some Autumn themed artwork to display in our garden.
Working with School Council to plant bulbs.
This week we have started to make Family Trees. We have been sharing information about people in our family and special events we can remember.
On Welly Walks we have been working on counting and number recognition.We collected leaves and sticks then chose a number from 1-10 then attempted to count the matching number of leaves.
In PD we have continued to work on, ‘Write Dance’ as well as learning circle games such as Ring a ring a roses and Here we go round the Mulberry Bush.
Family Trees
Fun with glasses
Welly walk Counting and Number recognition
Counting welly walk
Counting welly walk
Counting welly walk
This week we have continued our theme around Elmer the Elephant. All the children have now made a collage Elephant which are displayed in our classroom. We have read and watched several stories about Elmer and completed some comprehension questions about the story.
On our welly walks we worked on a phase 1 phonics game. We listened to sounds we could here in the environment and recorded them.
In PE we continued to work on Write Dance and learnt a new movement game, ‘Duck,duck, goose’.
This week we have been making Christmas cards to be send away to Santa to be made into real Christmas cards. The design is top secret!
In PE we did the next part of, “Write Dance’ dancing and drawing like a tree. We also played games on the parachute.
On our Welly Walks we played a game hunting for the colours that matched our cards.
PE Write Dance
Colour matching welly walk
This week we have been finding out about each other by talking about our favourite foods. We then made collages of our favourite foods on paper plates.
On our welly walks we have been finding out about Autumn and collected different coloured leaves which we also made into seasonal collages.
In PE we have used the parachute to play some games and started an early mark making scheme called, ‘Write Dance’.
Welly walks and collage work
The children have settled back really well into Nursery life and have been exploring and learning routines.
Below are a wide range of different resources to use and refer to if you are required to be away from Nursery for a period of time.