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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School


Welcome to the Nursery


Please click on the star below to watch the videos of our Nursery Staff welcoming you!

Welcome to Nursery - Slideshow for New Nursery Children

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Below is a photograph of the things you will need your child to have at Nursery. Please can you make sure they are clearly labelled on the outside as shown in the photo. They will need:

A lunch box if not having hot meals.

A drinks bottle

A small bag with spare clothes,

A coat as we go out everyday whatever the weather (hats, scarves and gloves in the Winter),

A pair of welly boots.

A wonderful day out at Court Farm


This week we have been making crowns as a Forest School activity. The children collected leaves, feathers and flowers to decorate our crowns. We then had a royal picnic in the Forest School.

We have also been tracing and writing our names in preparation for starting school.


This week we have been carrying out some measuring. We have been measuring how tall we are and putting it on a special poster to take home so we can always look back and see how tall we were in Nursery.


On our welly walks we have been looking for insects, leaves and monitoring the weather, We recorded this information on a nature walk sheet.


This week we have worked alongside members of the School Council to plant vegetable and flower seeds in the hope we will have some vegetable’s we can eat for snack.

We have also been working on our numbers and number recognition by counting different quantities of farm animals into a pond and field.


The School Council and Nursery planting seeds.


This week we have continued to prepare for our farm visit. We have been learning the names of baby animals by playing a matching game. On our welly walks we went on a farm animal treasure hunt.


In PE we have been practising for Sports Day.


We have worked really hard this week to improve our outside area by cleaning and tidying. We have been very lucky to have received some new outside sofas which we have made a wonderful outside space for.


This week we have been reading, ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’. We have acted out the story on our welly walks and made our own version of the story. We have also been inspired by the work of the artist, ‘Claude Monet’ to make paintings using brush ink paint of scenes from the story.


Today we released our butterflies.

Bear Hunt and Monet inspired artwork.


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


This week we have been inspired to make our own Lighthouses. We created a basic electric circuit using 2 wires, a bulb and a battery.

On our Welly Walks we have been looking at tall, short, small and big.We found the tallest and shortest tree and flowers as well as the biggest and smallest leaves.

In PE we are continuing with sports day practise as well as movement games.

Welly walk and Electric Lighthouses


We had a wonderful treat this morning having our snack in our new outside classroom this morning.


This week we have read the story, ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We then acted out the part where food is sent down a zip line to the Lighthouse and seagulls pinch some of it. This enabled us to use our maths skills to work out how much food went missing.

On our welly walks we used the chunky chalks to draw pictures inspired by the seaside. See photos below.

In PE we have started to learn some of the races for Sports Day.

Chalk drawings and Lighthouse Keeper story Maths role-play.


This week we have continued learning about caterpillars. We have made caterpillar cafes to encourage caterpillars into our garden. We collected leaves, twigs and flowers in an egg carton and placed them around the garden.

IIn PE we have carried on with movement and speed games.

We have also made caterpillars out of egg boxes to go with our symmetrical butterflies!

Caterpillars and caterpillar cafes


This week we our continuing our theme around caterpillars and butterflies. We have looked at symmetry and have made colourful butterflies to decorate our classroom.

On our welly walk we have been practising writing our names in chalk then tracing over with water.

In PE we have been working on movement games and starting running races.

Symmetrical butterflies

This week we have been reading the story, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children have used props to act out the story from memory.

On our Welly walks we used large chalks to draw pictures from the Caterpillar story as well.

In PE we have started lots of movement games linked to our phase 1 phonic work.


We were very excited to receive a special delivery of real live baby caterpillars which we are going to look after until they grow into butterflies.

Our baby caterpillars


This week we have started to learn about why and how we celebrate Easter. We have watched some videos about the Easter story and New Life. We have started to make 3D Easter baskets.

In PE we have continued our work on balance.

On our welly walks we have been carrying out Listening Walks as part of our Phase 1 phonic work.


We have been busy making cards for our wonderful Mums this week.

Today we are celebrating Wprld Book Day. We have dressed up as some amazing characters and bought in our favourite books to share.

We have been making a postcard for someone special as part of our Book Day activities.

World Book Day Costumes!


Over the past 2 weeks we have been working on pattern. We have looked at patterns in our natural environment as well as patterns on clothes. We have also been doing some observational sketches of daffodils in our garden.


In PE we have started some basic gymnastics primarily working on balance using the small benches.


We have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week. We have been dancing as a Chinese Dragon. Trying out Chinese foods. Dressing up in genuine Chinese costumes as well as looking at Chinese artefacts.

Celebrating Chinese New Year


This week we have continued to work in our key groups on the story, ‘Room on the Broom’. We read the story then tried to throw toys into the cauldron like in

the story. We counted how many toys landed in the cauldron and how many did not then added them together to find the total.


In PE we finished our Write Dance scheme of work. 

On our welly walks we worked on one of our phase 1 phonic activities, a listening walk.

Cauldron actually


This week we have been finishing our 2D clay dinosaurs. We have also worked with our key workers on a story about recycling.

On our welly walks we have been looking for and matching 2D shapes in our school environment.
In PE we have been improving our throwing and catching skills with a range of different size balls.


This week we have been continuing to work on our Dinosaur project. The children have used their plans from last week to create a 3D clay dinosaur 🦖 model.


On welly walk we looked for signs of 🥶 ❄️ Winter.


I PE we have continued with Write Dance.

Making clay dinosaurs and Winter welly walk


The children have settled back very well after Christmas. We have started a new strand of learning around Dinosaurs 🦕.


The children have started to design a new dinosaur on paper and next week will use these designs to make their dinosaur 🦖 using clay.


On our welly walks we made nests for toy dinosaurs to live in. We collected twigs,leaves and feathers to keep the dinosaurs warm!


In PE we are continuing with, ‘Write Dance’ and ball skills.

Dinosaur nests and Dinosaur ice-skating!


Christmas baking and party fun!

Christmas baking and party


Our fantastic Elf performance from yesterday!

Little Elf squad!


This week we have started to make fabric wreath decorations.

On our welly walk we have been on a scavenger hunt.

Most of the week we have been busy practising for our Christmas show next week!🎄👍


Today we made Santa hats for our snack. Very delicious!🍓🎅🏻

Santa Hat Snack

This week our focus has been ‘Winter’. We have made our own snow people inspired by the, ‘Snowman” story.

On our welly walks we chalked snow ⛄️ people. We also did an experiment. We put blocks of ice 🧊 inside and outside and monitored which ones melted the quickest.

In PE we had great fun shaking an elf,reindeer and penguin on our 🪂 parachute!

Our snow people village!


This week we have been finishing our carnival floats.

On our welly walks we collected leaves to match as many colours of the 🌈 rainbow as we could find.

In PE we continued, ‘Write Dance’ working on a racing car story.

We have obviously been practising our Christmas Songs lots as well!

Rainbow leaf welly walk


This week we have of course been thinking about the Carnival. We are in the process of all children making a 3D model carnival float!


In PE we have continued with Write Dance we have been concentrating on line marks.


On our welly walk we also have been focusing on mark making. The children used a recording sheet to draw tally marks of how many car windows, tyres and wipers they could count on my car!

Making carnival floats


This week we have been having Fireworks 💥 Fun!We have made large firework paintings by throwing balls covered in paint.

We have also been making large firework chalk drawings on the playground.

In PE we used the pom-poms to dance like fireworks.



We have consolidated our work on counting this week by counting with leaves and twigs on our welly walks. The children matched the correct number of leaves and twigs to the numbers 1-5.


The children have also worked in small groups to play a board game about counting ladybirds.


In PE we have continued our work on, ‘Write Dance’. We worked on a story about an Autumn Tree 🌳.

Counting Welly Walk

Write Dance


This week we have been focusing on counting. We have been using small teddy bears to count different amounts and work out which is the most or fewer.


On our welly walks we explored the field and looked for all the changes the season of Autumn 🍂 has brought. We collected conkers, catkins, leaves, feathers and sticks. We are using our finds to create some natural pieces of artwork.


In PE we have been carrying on our work on Write Dance.


Nature Welly Walk and fun on the adventure playground


This week we have been making Family Trees. The children have explained who the members of their family are and where the photos were taken.


On our Welly Walks we have focused on listening skills. Part of the phase 1 phonics Unlocking letters and sounds work.


In PE we have started the, ‘Write Dance’ program of work which encourages early mark making in a structured way The children dance to a story then make large drawings following the pattern of the story.

Our Family Trees


This week we have been thinking about Autumn 🍂 we collected some fallen leaves and worked together to make some fantastic collage 🎃 pumpkins.


On our wellly walks we have been matching 2D shapes in the outside environment.

We have now finished all our Elmer Elephants but have continued to read more Elmer stories.


Today we have worked in small groups to use the story sack for, ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ The children used props to help re-tell the story.


This week we have started a topic about, ‘ Elmer the Elephant’. We have read and watched several Elmer stories and completed comprehension questions about the stories.


We have also created our own Unique Elmer Elephants using collage materials. We are learning that we are all different and special in our own way.


On our welly walks this week we have been matching colours outside using paint chart samples.


In PE we continued with our dance using the Pom poms.

Elmer Topic


We had a wonderful PE lesson this morning in the Hall. We did Andy’s Warm Up from CBeebies, danced with the Pom poms and played games with the parachute.


We are starting to settle into our Nursery routines we have been learning how to sit and share at snack time, sit for a story and share the Nursery toys,

This week we have collected some leaves which we have been painting to make leaf prints for a banner to hang in our outside area.


Please can I remind you if you are able to make a £2.00 donation a week towards our snack food it allows us to provide extra snack such as breadsticks and cafe snack. Thankyou!


Settling into Nursery

Below are a wide range of different resources to use and refer to if you are required to be away from Nursery for a period of time.

Nursery Children, here is a little video - we hope you like it!


Stay Safe and Keep Smiling!

Hello Nursery Children

Still image for this video

Make a Rainbow using a toilet roll!

British Values


