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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Celebrating other faiths 'Judaism'

As part of our RE work we look at other faiths. This term we looked at 'Judaism.' Each class looked at something different within the Jewish Faith. Please look at our work below.

In Year 3 we have been learning about how Jewish people celebrate the Passover in Britain today. We watched a video to help us learn about Passover and how hard it is to prepare:

  • Before Passover you have to clean the house to make sure that there aren't any traces of Chametz (it's any food that has flour or yeast in it) (Emmie)
  • Families gather to celebrate the Seder meal - a long time ago they would get a lamb and keep it for 14 days and then kill the lamb and put the blood of the lamb on top of the room so that God would pass over their house to keep them safe. Jewish people tend not to do this today to be kind to animals (Matilda)
  • Whilst you are preparing for Passover you have to turn off all the electrical items to help you focus on your family and friends and not be distracted (Jasmine) 
  • They drink grape juice or wine to represent the blood of Christ 
  • They read and remember the story of Exodus when the Jews escaped slavery.  