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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School


Maths Investigation Week - We had a very interesting week investigating Maths! This included sorting houses into different groups, asking questions about data and representing this on a bar chart. It was lots of fun!

Our Reception children had a great day out at 'Court Farm.' They especially enjoyed feeding the baby lambs and stroking the enormous pig.ined with

We had lots of fun this year at our Sports Day. Everyone tried their best and there were a variety of 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners in the flat races. The sun shone for us all day!

From tiny caterpillars to colourful butterflies, we have enjoyed following the life cycle of our butterflies! We were sad to let them go..... but we know we will still see them flying around our school gardens!

We had lot's of fun doing multi-skills PE in the sunshine!

Planting sunflowers during Science
