Our next English topic will all be based around the book 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx'. We will explore the fantastic illustrations within this book, and we will expand the story by writing our own voyage and return narrative. We will learn how to use direct speech in our writing, as well as how to consider the audience to make our stories as exciting as we can!
In maths, our current topic is Multiplication and Division. We are focusing on our 3, 6, 9, 7 and 12 times tables, as well as exploring what happens to a number when we multiply a number by 1 and 0. We will be using our concrete resources to support our learning, as well as stretching ourselves with reasoning, problem solving, and word questions too.
Our next unit is 'Prophecy and Promise'. We will be exploring what a Prophet is, what it means to be one, and exploring the roles of different Prophets in the Bible. We will show our learning through reading stories, writing, drama and art work.
This half-term, we are focusing on Geography. Our main question is 'Why are rainforests important?' To answer this, we will explore who lives in the rainforest, why they live there and what the different layers are. We will be using our mapping skills to support our learning. We can't wait to find out more!