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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Autumn Term


Our next English topic will all be based around the book 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx'. We will explore the fantastic illustrations within this book, and we will expand the story by writing our own voyage and return narrative. We will learn how to use direct speech in our writing, as well as how to consider the audience to make our stories as exciting as we can! 



In maths, our current topic is Multiplication and Division. We are focusing on our 3, 6, 9, 7 and 12 times tables, as well as exploring what happens to a number when we multiply a number by 1 and 0. We will be using our concrete resources to support our learning, as well as stretching ourselves with reasoning, problem solving, and word questions too. 



Our next unit is 'Prophecy and Promise'. We will be exploring what a Prophet is, what it means to be one, and exploring the roles of different Prophets in the Bible. We will show our learning through reading stories, writing, drama and art work.



This half-term, we are focusing on Geography. Our main question is 'Why are rainforests important?' To answer this, we will explore who lives in the rainforest, why they live there and what the different layers are. We will be using our mapping skills to support our learning. We can't wait to find out more!

Making snowflakes!

Christmas Dinner!

KS2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal - what a brilliant bunch of Romans and Nazarenes!

We were lucky enough to watch an amazing recorder concert!

Science - Today, we were finding faults and correcting simple series circuits. To start us off, we went outside to create a human circuit. One person wore a black hat to act as the cell, with another person wearing a hi vis, to be the bulb. When we held hands, the circuit was complete and the hi vis went on. When we let go, the circuit was not complete, so the hi vis came off! A great way to represent our learning a bit differently!

PE - We have completed our gymnastics floor routine, which looks very impressive!

French - We learnt the names of different body parts, so had a brilliant time playing French Simon Says!

Science - Today we explored the different electrical components of a simple series circuit. We then had time to explore the parts and make our own circuit, with lots of success - we had lots of bright bulbs, and loud buzzers!

Computing - We started our unit on audio recording. We learnt how to record our voice, how to replay it, and how to add effects to it. We all had a great time altering our recording’s pitch and speed!

Maths - We have started our work on the 9 times tables. We used counters to make arrays, and from this we wrote down the fact families that each array showed. We are really improving our times tables and division!

Anti-Bullying Week - We designed our own pair of odd socks, and discussed what it means to show respect to everyone.

Art - Today, we started our new topic on Ancient Egyptian artwork. We used teabags to make our paper look old, and we practiced drawing Egyptian symbols and designs. Next week, we will put them onto our paper, to make it as realistic as possible!

Odd sock day - As part of our work on anti-bullying week we wore our odd socks to school. Our difference and uniqueness should be celebrated!

Geography - We used Atlases to locate where the Amazon Rainforest is, what biome it is in, what countries and cities are found within the rainforest and how people travel through it!

RE - In today’s lesson, we learnt about the Prophet Elijah’s struggles with Ahab and Jezebel. We took on the role of Elijah, and decided what we would do in that situation. Some of us said we would escape to a different country, but most of us said that we would speak out and challenge them, using the word of God!

Mini Police - Today we learnt about how the police uses finger prints in their work. We then took our own finger prints, which was very fun and messy!

Scientific enquiry - How do various drinks effect teeth? We know egg shell is a similar material to tooth enamel. We have carefully followed our methods and set up an enquiry to try and answer our question.

RE - Today we have developed our scripture finding skills! We found a range of Bible teachings that links to a person of faith, and discussed how they show God’s teachings through their actions.

Portishead Police HQ Trip - We had a fantastic time today, going all the way to Portishead on our Mini Police trip. We learnt all about how to ring the police, what counts as an emergency, hoax 999 calls and how emergency calls are responded too. We then took a tour round the Comms unit, where we saw real 999 calls being answered. We also spoke to each other over the police radio, using the phonetic alphabet. In the afternoon, we looked around the police museum. We had a brilliant day!

Music - Today, we have been composing our own country music! We have counted the beats very carefully to make sure we stay in time. We have also considered the pulse and rhythm.

French - We are working really hard to develop our French writing skills. We are now writing in full sentences! Today we made up fake addresses, which used our vocabulary and number skills from previous learning this term.

Mini Police - This week, we completed our Duke of Cornwall Safety Award. We talked about what we would pack if we knew a flood was coming, how we would travel to a safe place and what we would do if a flood came into our house.

Key Stage 2 Live Author Zoom Visit with Hannah Gold!Key Stage 2 joined Hannah Gold for the launch of her new book Turtle Moon. We also watched how illustrator Levi took inspiration for the book too!

Art - We have created some amazing Botanical drawings, using real life flowers to inspire us. Our finished drawings were incredible!

Maths - We have started to add two 4 digit numbers together, and have really enjoyed using our maths manipulatives to support us with this. We have used place value charts and counters, which really helped us!

History - Today we had a workshop -we dressed up as children of the time and role played life in a Victorian school!

In our Mini Police lessons, we have been trying to encourage our school community to donate to the Highbridge foodbank. This week, we have created posters to put up around the school. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!

Improving our throwing and catching skills in Tag Rugby. We even played our first game, and we did a great job!

In maths, we are exploring how to write numbers using Roman Numerals!

In science, we have made a 3D working model of the digestive system which has helped us to understand the functions of each part.

In RE, we took on the roles of Abraham, Isaac and God, to understand how Abraham showed his faith, and the new covenant he made afterwards.

Jumping high over the hurdles in PE!

Mini Police - we have got our own police uniforms and look very smart in them too! We have learnt all about what the police are for, when we should and should not call 999, and the age of criminal responsibility. We were even lucky enough to look inside of a police van, and hear the sirens!

In music this term, we are learning about pulse and rhythm. We put this into action by singing and stamping our feet along to 'Mamma Mia'. We had a great time!

Tag rugby with PE specialist Mr Irish!

Improving our dictionary skills in English!

In RE, we acted out the story of Abraham and Sarah walking to Canaan.
