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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Spring Term


To start the Spring term off, we are reading 'Mark of the Cyclops'. It is set in Ancient Greece, and we follow the adventures of Niko and Thrax. At the end of the unit, we will be writing our own story to continue their exciting activities in Greece!



In Maths, we are looking at Multiplication and Division. We will be exploring how to multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100, and how to multiply and divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number. We will also be working on our factor pairs, which will really help with our times tables knowledge. 



Out topic is called 'Galilee to Jerusalem', and we will be looking at historical evidence for Jesus' existence, the parable of the sheep and the goats, and the Nicene Creed. 



This term, we will be focusing on history. Our big question is 'How hard was it to invade and settle in England?' - we will be discovering how the Anglo-Saxons arrived in England, what their settlements looked like, how Christianity arrived in the country, the importance of Sutton Hoo, and how Saxon rule ended. How interesting!

Maths - today we looked at informal methods of multiplication. We had a great time drawing base 10 and part whole models on the table to help us!

Maths - We are loving using our practical resources and our place value charts to help us divide 4 and 5 digit numbers by 100!

History - We made our own Anglo-Saxon houses!

RE - Today we found Scripture in the Bible about the different miracles Jesus performed. We then acted them out!

PSHE - Today we discussed our hopes and dreams for the future! We have a class full of future teachers, athletes, musicians, pilots, surgeons, business owners and much more!

PE - We had a brilliant time starting our new Vault unit of work.

Science - To start our new topic, “States of Matter”, we explored 3 different balloons. One was filled with ice, one was filled with water and one was filled with air. We had a great time discovering their properties and differences!

Art - Today we were inspired by the work of Ed Ruscha, and we created our own tonal ribbon sketches.
