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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

RE at St Joseph's

Some examples of our RE displays!

Cafod Creation assembly

We know that we have to stop the pollution around the world if we want to stop climate change (Lilly)

Not everyone around the world has fair access to water and things they need, we should support the charities that help people to get this (Louie) 

RE Learning 

We are starting the new academic year with our Creation unit in RE. Please see below a summary of the teaching for each year group. 


Please note that our EYFS and Year 3 classes are using the new RED curriculum with support from the Diocese. This means that their teaching units are slightly different to the other year groups however we have tried to include information on these units in the teaching overviews and through the Big Questions. 

Their units are entitled:

  • Branch 1 - Creation and Covenant
  • Branch 2 - Prophecy and Promise
  • Branch 3 - Galilee to Jersulalem 
  • Branch 4 - Desert to Garden 
  • Branch 5 - Ends of the Earth
  • Branch 6 - Dialogue and Encounter


Our Big Questions for Prayers, Saints and Feasts

Advent - Big Questions

Christmas Big Questions

Revelation Big Questions

Lent Big Questions

Easter Big Questions

Pentecost Big Questions

Sacraments Big Questions
