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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 1 / Year 2

smiley Welcome to Year 1/2 smiley

Mr Fisher


Welcome to Mr Fisher's Class!


This Year we will be supported by; Mrs Lock, Miss Cooper and  Mrs Crenol.


Below is some key information that you might find useful.


Our Autumn Term Topic is

'How am I making History?' 

 In our Topic lessons the children will …


- Develop an understanding of personal chronology.

- Learn more about my history.

- Explore how we remember events.

- Find out what childhood was like for our parents and grandparents.

- Compare childhood now with childhood in the past.

- Identify that some things change and some things stay the same.


Our science work will focus on 'Materials.


Year 1

The children will learn:   

- What material an object is made from.

- How to name everyday materials.

- How to describe the properties of materials.

- How to compare materials based on their physical properties.


Year 2

The children will learn:

- How to identify and compare the suitability of materials.

- How things move on different surfaces.

- How materials can be changes in shape by squashing, bending, twisting or stretching.



Weekly Homework Choice Grid

Children to complete 1 activity from the Homework Choice Grid below.

Homework can be recorded using writing, pictures, drawings etc. appropriate to the task.

Each task can only be completed once.

Books will be collected in on a Friday.


Spellings are also handed out on a Friday ready for a test the following Friday. Please make sure the children are practicing their spellings every week. 'Little and often' is definitely the best way for your child to learn how to spell new words.


Share a story journal

Every week on a Friday, one child from the class will bring home the 'Share a story journal'. This is a further opportunity for you to read with your child while enjoying a nice cup of 'hot chocolate' (provided by the school). If it is your turn to complete the journal, we ask that it is returned on the Monday so that teachers have a chance to look over any work that has been completed.    



PE will be on a Tuesday (Swimming for Year 2 and Multi-skills for Year 1). We will also have a second PE session on a Friday (Gymnastics). Please ensure your child has the correct kit (including daps or trainers that fit) as there is sometimes the opportunity to go outside. outside.


Reading Books

We are continuing to improve children's reading fluency and comprehension. Please continue to hear your child read as often as possible and use the question based bookmarks to support this process. We encourage children to change reading books as regularly as possible. Please ensure you record any reading that takes place at home with a simple comment inside the small blue book (Reading Record). Finished books can be placed inside the classroom crate on a daily basis but they will not be changed unless the reading record has been written in. 


Over the course of the term I will continue to update this class page with all the different things that are going on in Year 1/2. 


If you have any questions please feel free to email me on the contact details below:


Best wishes

Mr Fisher smiley


Maths - Today the Year 1 children have been making up their own number sentences using the two sided counters for support.

Maths - The Year 1 children have been using the rekenreks in their Mastery of Number lesson to help with their understanding of how numbers are made up.

Science - Last week in Science the children were incredibly animated using the magnets! For our lesson this week, I decided that rather than asking the class to complete a structured Science lesson, I would let them have some more time exploring how magnets work. For the majority of the children, they have never seen or used one before and there is still a huge amount of curiosity surrounding them. With this in mind, I filled the centre of each table with magnetic material and the children spent the lesson exploring the materials using the magnets. Sometimes you just have to let the children learn through exploration!

Computing - This afternoon we have been learning how to log onto the Chrome Books independently. We used the art program 'Paintz' and practiced using the tracking pad to create marks on a page or in some cases a picture!

PE - Gymnastics fun and learning our Key Steps routine!

Science - In Science the Year 1 children have been looking at the properties of everyday materials and the Year 2 children have been looking at the suitability of everyday materials. Today we watched a Science video all about magnetic metal. We went outside with the magnets and tested different objects in the playground to find out if they were magnetic or not. The year 2 children discussed why the objects were made out of metal.

History - Today the children worked in small groups to think of questions to ask Mrs Crenol about what her childhood was like growing up.

Art - This afternoon the children have been developing an understanding of mark making. The have been drawing objects using their observation skills. The pencils had a piece of cardboard around them so that the children could not see what they had done and really had to think about the shapes and line in what was in front of them.

PSHE - World Mental Health Day 2024 - Across the School, the children wore their own clothes into school with a focus on the colour yellow! In our class, we discussed the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind and as an activity, the children designed their own posters on how to be healthy!

Maths - The Year 1 children have been ordering numbers from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest. We used number cards to practice practically before completing a written activity in our books.

History - We have been thinking about special events that take place across the year and placing them on timelines. The children thought about ways that they celebrate a special event such as a birthday. We all wrote down our birth months and year of birth on a small white board before making a human timeline of all our birthdays!

Maths - Mastery of Number is in full flow! The Year 1 children have been using the counters to help them understand how we compose numbers using two parts!

English - Today in English we have been reordering sets of muddled instructions for 'making a marmalade sandwich'.

Maths - Today the Year 1 children have been using the numicon to practice ordering objects from biggest to smallest.

National Poetry Day 2024 - This Year the National focus is Number! We read a poem called 'Trees' by Harry Behn and made our own leaves decorated with numbers!

English - In English this term we have been looking at the story of Paddington Bear. We have just started a new strand of learning all about instructions and what better way to start but by following a some ourselves! This morning we followed the instructions Mr Fisher gave us and made Paddington's favourite meal; marmalade sandwiches!

PE - Year 1 Multi-Skills fun using the large balls while the Year 2 children swim!

English - Reading our Paddington Bear character descriptions to a partner.

Maths - Today the Year 1 children have been comparing objects (numicon) using vocabulary such as fewer than, more than and the same as.

Science - Today the Year 2 children have been looking at how we can change the shapes of materials through processes such as squashing, bending and stretching and the Year 1 children have been looking at the properties of different materials. We had great fun playing around with socks, envelopes, foam balls, paper clips and rulers before recording our findings on a chart in our books.

Maths - Today the Year 2 children have been comparing objects using the equality signs.

Art - Today the children had lots fun creating pictures using a range of media.

Science - This morning in Science we spent a little time handling four different objects (Blu-tac, Pebbles, Cotton wool and Sand Paper). After twisting, squashing and squeezing each object, we had to think of words to describe their properties, e.g. the cotton wool was soft, fluffy and downy.

Big Art - Today the children were exploring lines and mark making to draw water.

RE - God's wonderful world made with play dough.

Friday's Golden time reward after a hard week of work!

RE - We made binoculars today and used them to look at God's beautiful world.

Music - Using the glockenspiels to practice simple scales. Very noisy but lots of fun!!

NEW YEAR 2024-25
