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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 1 / Year 2

smiley Welcome to Year 1/2 smiley

Mr Fisher


Welcome to Mr Fisher's Class!


This Year we will be supported by; Mrs Lock, Miss Cooper and  Mrs Crenol.


Below is some key information that you might find useful.


Our Autumn Term Topic is

'How am I making History?' 

 In our Topic lessons the children will …


- Develop an understanding of personal chronology.

- Learn more about my history.

- Explore how we remember events.

- Find out what childhood was like for our parents and grandparents.

- Compare childhood now with childhood in the past.

- Identify that some things change and some things stay the same.


Our science work will focus on 'Materials.


Year 1

The children will learn:   

- What material an object is made from.

- How to name everyday materials.

- How to describe the properties of materials.

- How to compare materials based on their physical properties.


Year 2

The children will learn:

- How to identify and compare the suitability of materials.

- How things move on different surfaces.

- How materials can be changes in shape by squashing, bending, twisting or stretching.



Weekly Homework Choice Grid

Children to complete 2 activities from different sections on the Homework Choice Grid below.

Homework can be recorded using writing, pictures, drawings etc. appropriate to the task.

Each task can only be completed once.

Books will be collected in on a Friday.


Spellings are also handed out on a Friday ready for a test the following Friday. Please make sure the children are practicing their spellings every week. 'Little and often' is definitely the best way for your child to learn how to spell new words.


Share a story journal

Every week on a Friday, one child from the class will bring home the 'Share a story journal'. This is a further opportunity for you to read with your child while enjoying a nice cup of 'hot chocolate' (provided by the school). If it is your turn to complete the journal, we ask that it is returned on the Monday so that teachers have a chance to look over any work that has been completed.    



PE will be on a Tuesday (Swimming for Year 2 and Multi-skills for Year 1). We will also have a second PE session on a Friday (Gymnastics). Please ensure your child has the correct kit (including daps or trainers that fit) as there is sometimes the opportunity to go outside. outside.


Reading Books

We are continuing to improve children's reading fluency and comprehension. Please continue to hear your child read as often as possible and use the question based bookmarks to support this process. We encourage children to change reading books as regularly as possible. Please ensure you record any reading that takes place at home with a simple comment inside the small blue book (Reading Record). Finished books can be placed inside the classroom crate on a daily basis but they will not be changed unless the reading record has been written in. 


Over the course of the term I will continue to update this class page with all the different things that are going on in Year 1/2. 


If you have any questions please feel free to email me on the contact details below:


Best wishes

Mr Fisher smiley


NEW YEAR 2024-25

Art - Look at our finished Jungle fantasy pictures inspired by Henri Rousseau. We had great fun printing the background before adding in our tigers!

Maths - More Maths investigation fun!

Maths - Investigation fun!

Computing - Using the Chrome Books to search the internet for an animal picture (of choice). We then inserted the picture onto a blank document and wrote about it , changing the size and colour of the text we were working with.

English - Today the children retold their alternative version of The Three Billy Goat Gruff. They followed their new plans making changes to the characters and events that happen in the story!

Art - Jungle fantasy pictures inspired by Henri Rousseau.

RE - Today the children worked in groups of 3 and had to think of questions they would like to ask two of our Year 5 Altar Servers about the job they have to do in Mass. We were then joined by both the girls who wore their albs and took some time to answer some of the questions that each group had written.

Science - Planting our broad beans in jam jars full of tissue paper!

Art - African silhouette pictures!

Nationwide Money Visit! Today we had visitors from the Nationwide Building Society who talked to the children and ran a series of workshops educating them all about money, savings etc. The children had a brilliant time and were thoroughly engaged throughout the lessons.

English - Today we listened to the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and discussed key moments in the story.

Art - Practicing the skill of weaving!

Science - Today the children worked in small groups and noted down everything they have learnt in their Science topic this Half Term. For Year 1 it was the second part of their work on 'Animals including humans' and for Year 2 it was 'Living things and their habitats'.

Science - Over the past few weeks we have watched our tiny, baby caterpillars eat and grow bigger. We watched them attach themselves to the roof of the container they were being held in and spin their cocoons. Today, having emerged as butterflies we took the them into the school field and released them!

RE - Today the children enjoyed participating in the 'Crowning of Mary' celebrations out in our school field.

Science - Today the children explored the the local environment and tried to identify and name a variety of animals that they found. Some of the animals were very small and lived in micro habitats!

English - The children have been reading a book called 'The Story machine' which is all about a boy who can make up the most amazing stories based around pictures he draws. The children had complete freedom to draw their own pictures that told a story and today they followed their picture plan and told their story to a partner!

RE - Today we worked in small groups and thought of questions to ask Peter regarding the resurrection. We then had fun hot-seating each other and answered the questions as Peter!

PE - Tennis fun!

Art - This afternoon the children drew patterns, scratched the pattern onto to a foam square and used the paint and rollers to print the pattern!

Computing - This afternoon the children have been practicing their keyboard and word processing skills using the Chrome Books.

Year 1 Maths - Today the children used the dice to practice doubling numbers. The recorded their answers on the small white boards.

Humanities - What a great topic! Today the children worked in small groups noting down everything they have learnt this term about the topic of space. The group discussions were just brilliant and it was lovely to see all of the class sharing their knowledge and ideas.

RE - More great RE work linked to the topic of Lent.

Easter Bonnet Parade 2024!

Science - Today the children worked in small groups and jotted down everything they could remember learning about in Science this term. It was a great opportunity to draw together all the learning that has taken place in the last 12 weeks.

Art - Finished Easter Cards!

Year 2 RE - Today we worked in small groups and thought of questions we would like to ask about 'The Stations of the Cross'.

Year 1 RE - Acting out the story of of Palm Sunday.

DT - Today the children spent a little time evaluating the making process of our clay aliens.

St Joseph's Day Sale! The Year 6 children created some brilliant activities for the rest of the school to enjoy. The theme was water with the money raised from the afternoon going to a water based charity.

Art - Making our Easter cards!

World Book Day - To end our day of celebrations we had a visit from the Year 5 children who shared some of the stories they have been writing in class.

WORLD BOOK DAY 2024 - We had a Guided reading session with Mr Fisher, made Gingerbread men, wrote a book review about our favourite book, drew ‘character selfies’ on mobile phone templates and made some beautiful bookmarks. What a busy day!!

RE - Drama work linked to the story Zacchaeus.

Art - Painting our Clay Aliens the brightest colours you've ever seen!

English - British Library Webinar – Fairy Stories Thursday this week will see our school celebrate World Book Day! Today the children began the celebrations a little early as they watched a live webinar delivered by the authors Michael Rosen and Jasninder Bilan and the illustrator Allen Fatimaharan. They had great fun listening to the authors talking about books they had written. There was also time for the children to plan their own ideas for a story; they thought about the characters, setting and magical objects they would include!

Art - Today we had great fun making clay aliens!

Art - Line drawings of daffodils with a little paint!

Humanities - Today the children have been looking at 'Historic Legacy'. We have been learning about the first human into space (Yuri Gagarin) and how rockets and space suits have changed over time. As a warm up we worked with a partner to try and sequence some space suits and rockets from the oldest to most recent.

RE - The children have completed some brilliant work in our Revelation topic.

JIGSAW - We have been thinking about stretching our minds when we need to learn something new. In Class today we all drew around our hands, coloured them in and threaded them onto a huge stretchy elastic band. This reminded us that we need to stretch our minds when we are trying to learn something new.

RE - Today the Year 2 children have been thinking about the miracle stories that have covered during our 'Revelation' topic. They worked in small groups and wrote down questions that they would like to ask about the stories they have heard.

Art - Today the children created an astronaut face to lay on top of of their pastel pictures. They also created some more space pictures using chalk!

Computing - Safer Internet Week - To mark Safter Internet Week, the children were treated to a morning assembly from Mr Franklin all about staying safe while using the internet. Back in class the children spent some time looking at how technology has changed over the years, even decades. We looked at the changes with computers, phones, music and worked in groups to order pictures from oldest to most recent!

PE - Year 2 Gymnasts Finish Runners Up In Area Competition! A brilliant performance from our Year 2 Gymnasts this morning saw them finish the Key Steps Area Competition with a team silver medal! Performing a routine that has been practiced in Curriculum PE as well as in our after school club, the children were faultless under pressure as they performed in front of a judge and were scored accordingly. There were six schools competing (60 children in total) and the St Joseph's squad finished a remarkable second place! A special mention has to go to Alice, who also picked up a bronze medal as the third highest individual score of the day! GO TEAM ST JOSEPH'S!!!!

PE - Year 2 Gymnastics Club. Good numbers and with a few off sick as well!

English - In English we have been thinking all about recounts. In preparation for planning a recount of our weekend, we spent some time working with our talking partners, sharing what we did over the weekend!

PE - Dance - In Dance the children have been visiting an unusual planet each week. We have taken a trip to an alien infested planet where we moved liked aliens. Our second planet was a mirror planet where we mirrored each others movements. Today our new planet was a stretchy planet which pulled and stretched all our body parts in different directions! The children made some pretty amazing shapes on their own and with partners!

Music - This afternoon the children had great fun using the glockenspiels to play the tune to the chorus of a song we have been learning in Class. A loud lesson, but lots of fun!

English - NATIONAL STORYTELLING WEEK - Today, as part of National Storytelling Week, the children were treated to a live Zoom Webinar with the author Swapna Haddow. She spent some time talking about many of the animal characters she has come up with for her books. Once back in the classroom, the children had some fun designing their own animal characters. They drew pictures to illustrate an adventure they wanted their character to go before sharing their picture stories with a friend. A delightful way to spent the day!

Art - Pastel pictures of space with a layer of brusho over the top!

Humanities - Today we thought about Armstrong and his trip to the moon in Apollo 11. We thought about the different jobs people would have had in order to make the mission successful.

Science - Today the Year 1 children went around the school on a senses hunt looking at what they could hear, see, smell, touch and taste. The children recorded work in their books as we moved around the school.

Computing - Today the children became human beebots! They worked with a partner and wrote down a simple algorithm for their partner to follow.

Art - Today in Art we copied the work of the artist Peter Thorpe. We used the coloured pastels and a printing technique to create some fabulous rocket pictures

RE - Today the Year 1 children had fun acting out the story of the 'The Good Samaritan' in small groups using stick puppets that had been made earlier in the lesson.

Maths - Practical fun with a partner using the counters to help work out how many are left.

Art - Today we used a range of craft materials to create the planets!

Computing - Today the children have been learning all about programming. We watched a PowerPoint and used language such as 'command' before using the ipads and the program 'Beebot' to reinforce learning.

RE - Christmas Mass in School with Father Paul

RE - Christmas Nativity

Art - Plant Pot Reindeer!

Art - Christmas Tree Decorations

Art - Grinch Handprints

Christmas Cards!

Science - The children worked in small groups again today noting down everything they have learnt about their Science topic 'Materials'.

Humanities - Today the children worked in small groups to write down everything they have learnt about our topic 'Epic Explorers'.

Science - Today the children completed an investigation to find the best material for mending the hole Mr Fisher's umbrella. The Year 2 children wrote down the method (what we were going to do). All of the children made predictions, recorded results in a table and wrote down their findings (a conclusion) with some of the children writing down reasons why some materials were better than others.

PE - Year 2 Athletics Festival Fun! The whole cohort of Year 2 children had a brilliant morning of athletics fun today as they participated in a huge Key Stage 1 Festival! Picked up at 9.15am, a coach transported the class all the way to Bridgwater College where the children were met by Mr Irish and a number of Bridgwater College students. A Number of exciting activities had been prepared by the students in the Sports Hall, including a series of inter school relay races to round off a busy morning of athletics fun! All the children were smiling throughout the event and I'm sure will sleep really well this evening after exerting so much energy in each of the activities.

English - The children imagined that they were Jack from the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. They have been writing a letter of apology to the Giant to say sorry for stealing from him! We published our letters last week and today we posted them home to share our work with our family.

Anti-Bullying Week - This week we have been celebrating our differences in anti-bullying week. We are all unique and different for lots of reasons. We should respect one another and not tolerate people being unkind to us. Today we though about our differences as we decorated coloured socks with different patterns.

Science - Materials have different properties and water will move differently on varying materials. Mr Fisher has an umbrella that has a hole in it! Today we had fun testing cling film, tin foil, newspaper and cloth in a small pot of water tom see which would be best to mend the hole in the umbrella!

Art - Daisy Calendars!

English - Today we watched a different version of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' compared to the story book we have been reading in class. We worked in small groups and made notes about the story on a huge piece of paper!

Computing - Today the children have been using the Chrome Books and the program 'Paintz'. The drew pictures to practice using the tracking pads.

Art - Ships in a bottle!

Computing - Drawing pictures using the ipads and the 'Paintz' program. The children are now familiar with the app so next week we will be using the Chrome Books and tracking pads to draw our pictures.

Art - Lots of explorers use binoculars to look at things from a distance. Today in art we made our own binoculars!

PE - Multi-skills fun in the Hall!

Art - We cut out paper and made sails to add to our hand print explorer ships!

Science - Magnet fun! Today the children used the magnets to explore whether a material was magnetic or not! We made predictions first before testing our objects with the magnets and recording our results.

PE - Learning our Key Steps Gymnastics routines!

WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY - We spent some time discussing the importance of maintaining good mental health throughout our lives. We all have feelings so today we looked at ways that we can manage these emotions and keep ourselves happy!

English - Before Jack climbed up the beanstalk, he would have need to pack a simple lunch for his journey! Today we followed Mr Fisher's instructions ad made a jam sandwich for him to take on his adventure!

Maths - Practical work on comparing numbers using the equality (crocodile) signs.

Golden Time fun to round off a busy week of work!

English - Today we had a visit from the Year 5 children who spent some time sharing some of the English work they have been working on all about space.

Science - Squashy, bendy, stretchy stuff! Today we looked at how different objects can be changed in shape through processes such as squashing, bending and stretching. We recorded our finding in a scientific table.

English/Art - Today we celebrated National Poetry Day. The children listened to a poem and created their own illustrations for the poem using a range of different materials.

RE - Today the Year 2 children have been working in small groups to work on creating a plan for delivering the Liturgy of the Word.

RE - Today we had a visit from CAFOD. The children took part in a workshop based around Catholic Social Teaching and looked at ways in which we can look after God's beautiful world.

English - Over the past few weeks the children have been working towards creating a 'Character Description' for the 'Giant' in 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We finished these descriptions yesterday so to celebrate our hard work we walked over to Year 5 and shared them with some of the older children in the school.

Year 1 Maths - Practical opportunities with the children 'comparing groups by matching'

Topic - We drew our own maps (including compass directions) to retell the story of Columbus and the places he visited.

Science - Today the Year 1 children have been describing the physical properties of a range of objects (pebbles, sandpaper, blue tac and cotton wool). The Year 2s have been thinking about how some objects can change shape through processes such as squashing, bending, twisting etc. A really enjoyable practical session with some brilliant recording taking place in books.

Hand print Columbus ships! Messy, but fun!!!!!!!

Art - Christopher Columbus would have seen lots of interesting creatures on his travels. Today we made Parrots!!

Year 2 Maths - Today the children have been using the dienes apparatus to help them understand partitioning and recombining. For example, 43 can be partitioned in lots of different ways, e.g. 20 + 23 or 12 + 31 etc.

Year 1 Maths - Today the Year one children have been working with a partner and practice counting on from any number.

