Revelation - Age Related Outcomes
Year 6
Pupils will be able to show an understanding of the story of St Paul and Christian belief todayAT1
Pupils will be able to identify the distinctive marks of the Catholic Church AT1
Pupils will be able to use accurately and in a relevant way a developing religious vocabulary to talk about revelation and the role of the Pope and Bishops AT1
Pupils will be able to show understanding of how Pope Francis and the Bishops reveal Jesus to others today AT2
Year 5
Pupils will be able to show understanding of the story of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist by making a link with the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God. AT1
Pupils will be able to show understanding of the Kingdom parables by relating them to Christian beliefs about the Kingdom. AT1
Pupils will be able to show understanding of the symbolism used in scripture stories studied. AT1
Pupils will be able to describe how believers live out the Kingdom parables.AT1
Pupils will be able to show how beliefs about the Kingdom affect the moral values of believers.AT2
Year 4
Pupils will be able to explain the meaning of Presentation and the Transfiguration and make links between them and beliefs. At1 (Note if this is extended further to show a developing understanding and make links with other Old Testament stories this might be working at greater depth)
Pupils will be able to give reasons for the symbolism used to describe the presentation and the Transfiguration both in the Gospels and in art work and make links with beliefs AT1
Pupils will be able to give reasons why Simeon used the words he did in the Nunc Dimittis and the meaning those words hold AT1
Pupils will be able to make links between the feelings of Anna, Simeon, Mary and Joseph, how these feelings affected their behaviour AT2
Pupils will be able to make links to show how an understanding of the stories of the Presentation and the Transfiguration has consequences for the lives of Christians today. AT2
Year 2
Pupils will be able to retell at least one of the miracles AT1
Pupils will be to state the meaning of the miracle story they know. AT1
Pupils will be to use words like, Miracle, Centurion, Blind man, Servant, Leper , correctly and explain very simply their meaning (AT1ii)
Pupils will be able to ask questions and respond to questions about what they wonder at about the Miracles.AT2
Pupils will be able to ask and respond to questions about the feelings and experiences of those involved in the miracles.AT2
Year 1
Pupils will be able to recognise some of the parablesAT1
Pupils will recognise that parables have meanings and some people try to live out the meaning of the parable. AT1
Pupils will be able to recognise some of the words connected with Parables. Examples would be: Parable, Samaritan, forgiveness
Pupils will be able to talk about their own experiences of helping others, of doing things wrong and of being forgiven.AT2