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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School



Welcome to Reception!

 Mrs Chrystall (Tues-Fri) and Mrs Lovibond-Stephens (Mondays).

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Falber (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Maydew (Friday).

Miss Cooper is our class PPA cover on a Wednesday AM.

Mrs Kierle works (Mon-Friday mornings to support SEN)


Just a little message from Mrs Chrystall to say that I am very much looking forward to meeting all the Reception children for Term 2. I hope to ensure a smooth transition for all the children so that they are ready to continue their learning journey with me. Special Thank you to Mrs Jenkins for starting the Autumn Term in my place, she did a fantastic job and lovely to see the children settling in well.



This is Autumn Term 2, and we are continuing to settle into our classroom environment and routine, please use our page to keep up to date with our learning. Our UW Topic link this term continues into Term to and is called... Peek into the past/All about me. This is taught by Mrs Lovibond-Stephens on a Monday. 



 Our PE sessions are on a Tuesday PM. Please ensure your PE kit is in class and we will send these home at Half terms unless requested.


Reading at home

Children will have started to take home a picture reading book and reading log book each week. Please use the log book to record when they have read and a short message of how they got on. Please ensure children have these in their book bags each school day as the days will differ as to when a child is read to. We will also be sending home a book from our school library which will give you a chance to read to spend some time enjoying books with your child. 


Please try and read with your child 5 times a week, this can be for 10 minutes whilst they settle for bed.



Each term you will receive a new Homework grid that you can view in your child's yellow homework book. The activities are linked to the different areas of the EYFS curriculum. Please try your best to complete an activity each week and highlight the grid by showing me which activity you have completed. I would love to see how you get on so I will collect books in each Wednesday and check them ready to be handed out again on the Friday.

Reception Homework Grid
