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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School



Welcome to Reception!

Our Teacher is Mrs Jenkins (Tues-Fri) and Mrs Lovibond-Stephens (Mondays).

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Falber (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Maydew (Friday).

Miss Cooper is our class PPA cover on a Wednesday AM.






 Tuesday PM .



Children will have started to take home a picture reading book and reading log book each week. Please use the log book to record when they have read and a short message of how they got on. Please ensure children have these in their book bags each school day. We will also be sending home a book from our school library which will give you a chance to read to spend some time enjoying books with your child.



Please try and read with your child 5 times a week, this can be for 10 minutes whilst they settle for bed.


Reception Curriculum Evening Powerpoint
