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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Spring Term

History Toy Workshop- We had a visitor come in a share about toys from the past. We had the chance to play with lots of different toys and discuss how they have changed over time.

Computing E-safety- We have learnt how to stay safe online when playing games. We shared our ideas with the class after watching a video.

Jubilee Launch Day- We created Acts of Kindess posters to share with the school and discussed what hope means to us by sharing examples.

History- We have been learning about toys from the past and we were able to ask Mrs Crenol about the toys she played with as a child. Miss Berry also brought in toys that were her parents to show us.

English- We have been retelling familar stories to our partner. These stories included The Three Little Pigs and The Gruffalo.

PE- We have doing dance this half term and coming up with different movements for sea creatures.

Music- We have been looking at different instrument groups in an orchestra.

RE- We have been acting out the bible story of John the Baptist baptising Jesus

Art- We have been looking at ways to create different textures
