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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

School Council

Meet our School Council Members of 2024/5

School Council / Eco Group Members 2024/25


The School Council met this week and took a tour around the school playground. They looked at positives such as the fixed monkey bars and resources provided for Reception.


They also looked at and discussed areas we could improve suggestions included creating a calm area for reading, football zones and a physical equipment area for the younger children.


We will meet again shortly to discuss how we could implement our ideas.




This week members of the School Council have worked alongside the Nursery children to help plant Spring bulbs as part of our Live Simply Award.

Nursery children and School Council planting Spring bulbs.

Over the last few weeks the School Council have been supporting the lunch time supervisors with children in the Hall. They have been chatting to the children about their food choices and helping to tidy up.


The members have also been starting an Eco scheme by checking classrooms have been switching off lights at break times.




School Council Agenda


1. Start dinner time support rota

2. Work with Nursery class to plant Spring bulbs moving onto Reception class.

3. Set a rota to become play  buddies for Nursery Children at lunchtime.

4. Remind children in own classes that they can raise issues with members of the School Council.


The School Council and Eco Group have now successfully run the, ‘Walking to School’ Scheme for nearly a year. Several classes have been rewarded with stickers, reflectors and slap bands for their efforts.

Each week the class with the most children walking, cycling or scooting to school win the Walking to School High Vis Hedgehog!


The School Council will be meeting for the first time of the new school year. We will be setting an agenda for the Autumn term. We plan to support during dinner time in the Hall, Plant Spring bulbs with the younger children and discuss upcoming issues for the next year.

School Council and Nursery planting seeds.


The latest project the School Council have been working on is linked to our ‘Live Simply’award and Eco group work. The School Council have supported the Nursery children to plant a range of vegetable and flower seeds. They will continue to help look after the plants until we hopefully have some beautiful flowers and vegetables for our snack.
