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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 5

Mr Franklin

Mr Franklin is our Teacher.

Mrs Loomie is our Teaching Assistant Monday-Wednesday.

Mrs Green is our Teaching Assistant Thursday-Friday.



Thursday with Mr Irish (Primary PE specialist)

and alternate Fridays.

This will be handed out on a Friday and is due back on Wednesdays. The homework will be linked to what the children have been learning about that week or will prepare them for what they are about to learn. They will receive 1 piece of English and 1 piece of Maths homework.

Spellings are also handed out on Fridays ready for a test the following Friday. Please make sure the children are practising their spellings every week. 


The children will all have  'Times Table Rockstars' to practice times table fluency- please encourage your child to play on this app/website when possible. 



Please try and read with your child 5 times a week, this can be for 10 minutes whilst they settle into bed! Please remember to sign your child's reading record so we know they have read! It is still really important that your child practices the skill of reading aloud!



Bristol Aquarium: a fantastic class trip where the children were fully engaged in the tour and workshop.

Sports Day: a great day had by all. Thank you all who supported this event.

Lifeguard workshop with Year 6!

3.5.24 Today we had a visit from PCSO Dunbar. He spoke to us about online platforms, usages and media as part of our E-Safety provision.

World Book Day: to celebrate World Book Day we created a front cover for a traditional tale based on their own main character twist. We then shared with Mr Fisher's Class with what they had created. The children really engaged with the theme of the day and was enjoyable for all.

In preparation for World Book Day we participated in a Fairy Stories and Traditional Tales live stream with Michael Rosen, Jasbinder Bilan and Allen Fatimaharan. The children enjoyed a mixture of planning and producing a front cover for their creative story writing this week for World Book Day.

Our E-Safety Team led an excellent assembly for Safer Internet Day based on making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online

An excellent Celebration of the Word in class this morning.

Donating to our local foodbank: The Trussell Trust. Thank you to all those who donated, here's some of our Chaplains who helped load up Mr Lee's Van.

CAFOD workshop Year 5 and 6. Today we participated in a CAFOD led workshop where the children matched Catholic Social Teaching values to real life situations in impoverished countries.

Curriculum Evening PowerPoint. Thank you for those who attended.

Autumn Wow Day with Clive Pig! We had a fantastic morning where Clive (an international storyteller and poet) performed some Ancient Greek role play and a workshop.

Topic Autumn: Ancient Greeks

Autumn Focus Reading Book is ARMSTRONG: 


A long time ago a mouse learned to fly . . . and crossed the Atlantic. But what happened next? Torben Kuhlmann's stunning new book transports readers to the moon and beyond! On the heels of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse comes Armstrong: A Mouse on the Moon where dreams are determined only by the size of your imagination and the biggest innovators are the smallest of all. The book ends with a brief non-fiction history of human space travel from Galileo s observations concerning the nature of the universe to man's first steps on the moon."

