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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Mr Franklin

Mr Franklin is our Teacher.

Mrs Loomie is our Teaching Assistant Monday-Wednesday.

Mrs Francis is our Teaching Assistant Wednesday morning, Thursday-Friday mornings.

Mrs Cook is our 1:1 every afternoon.


PE: Spring

Monday: Dance.

Thursdays: Gymnastics for improving vault.

Homework now goes home from Monday-Thursday in preparation for life in secondary school. The activity rotates from Maths to Reading to Spelling Punctuation and Grammar.

Spellings will also be within the homework tab on our Class Page. 


The children will all have  'Times Table Rockstars' to practice times table fluency- please encourage your child to play on this app/website when possible. 



Please try and read with your child 5 times a week, this can be for 10 minutes whilst they settle into bed! Please remember to sign your child's reading record so we know they have read! It is still really important that your child practices the skill of reading aloud!



Today a workshop for 'Wartime in Somerset during WW2' was delivered by South West Heritage to our Year 6's. There was again excellent behaviour and engagement throughout. This was an exciting introduction to our History topic of life in Britain during WW2.

Today our local Police Community Support Officer Craig visited our Year 6’s for a workshop on laws and consequences. Great engagement from our learners with excellent questioning around how our school behaviour is reflected in the community.

Science: as part of our 'Living Things and their Habitats' block of learning, we have been investigating the impact of microorganisms have on speeding up the process of mould growth.

Today many of our Year 6 children received their medal for winning the Sedgemoor Indoor Athletics Competition.

An excellent dress rehearsal for our Christmas production today. Well done everyone.

DecemBAR: in class we have been getting stuck into standalone problem solving sessions as part of White Rose's DecemBAR provision.

Presenting our group work to Mr Fisher's class: today we presented our Shackleton timeline to Mr Fisher's class where our pupils have researched key events in Sir Henry Shackleton's attempt to navigate the Antarctic. It was an opportunity for the children to secure their knowledge of the timeline whilst working on our Guided Reading focus of prosody.

Key Stage 2 Live Author Zoom Visit with Hannah Gold!Key Stage 2 joined Hannah Gold for the launch of her new book Turtle Moon. We also watched how illustrator Levi took inspiration for the book too!

We enjoyed Liturgical Prayer outside today. The children showed great reverence throughout.

Today we were visited by the 'The National Gallery' for a workshop. Great engagement by the children with the artists commenting on Year 6's excellent interactions and behaviour.

Thank you to those who attended the curriculum evening. Here is a copy for you to look at if you missed it. Please contact me if there are any questions.

Today our class were visited by 'On Your Bike' who specialise in teaching bike maintenance. The workshops were really beneficial and thank you for the strong support with the amount of personal bicycles your children brought in.

Computing: this week the children have leaned how computers use addresses to access website. At home, please ask them what the acronyms IP and DNS mean.

Autumn Focus Reading Book is Shackleton's Journey by William Grill: 


In August 1914, Ernest Shackleton and his brave crew set out to cross the frozen wastes of Antarctica, in what was to be the last expedition of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Ahead of them lay unimaginable danger - ferocious seas, uncharted mountains, ice and snow. This is the true story of how Shackleton and his companions endured the hardships they faced, and ultimately managed to survive their perilous adventure. 



