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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Christmas Activities in School - Letter


Dear Parents,

KS1 & KS2 Christmas Performances 2022

On Tuesday 13th December at 2:00pm (entry from 1:45) and Wednesday 14th December at 10:00am (entry from 9:45) the children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will be performing a Christmas Nativity.


You are invited to join us in the school hall.  However, as space is limited due to Health and Safety, it will be necessary to restrict families to 2 tickets in total.  Tickets will be available to collect in the playground from 8:45 – 9.00 am on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th of December.

There will be enough for each family to have 2 tickets in total for either the AM or PM performance or x 1 ticket for each performance.  If someone is collecting on your behalf they will be asked for a signature to say they have received the tickets.


On the day of the performance you will be asked for your ticket upon entry, so please keep it somewhere safe. If you don’t need your ticket/s please return to the office or to Mrs Williams who will allocate to those on the waiting list.  It should not be passed to another parent as it will not correspond with our lists and you could be refused entry.  There will be a waiting list (spare tickets) at the time of collecting your tickets for exceptional circumstances.   

These will be issued once all families have collected their tickets. 


As you may appreciate this performance will be quite an occasion for the children, so we do request that very young siblings do not attend, as this can cause some disturbance during the production. Teachers will take photos of their own classes for the school website and photos will also be published in the local newspaper.  We will give details of this closer to the time.


The KS2 carol service will take place in ‘Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church’ on Tuesday 13th December at 6pm.  Everyone is welcome and you will not need a ticket to attend.


We hope you enjoy our performances and look forward to seeing you there.

A collection for charity will take place at the end of the production.





Other Christmas events:


Wednesday 7th December – Nursery Christmas performance 2.30pm


Thursday 8th December – PTA Christmas Disco’s (KS1 5.30 – 6.30pm and KS2 7 – 8pm)


Friday 9th December – there will be a non-uniform day where will be inviting pupils to wear their own clothes in return for donations towards the PTA Christmas raffle. Further details will be sent regarding this.


Wednesday 14th December – Christmas dinner! We would like to invite the children to wear their Christmas jumpers (in place of their normal school jumpers) on this day!


Thursday 15th December – Cinema Trip! Thank you again to our amazing PTA who are treating the children to a visit to the cinema. We will be watching the following films:
Y5 and Y6 – Matilda the musical (PG)

Y3 and Y4 – Disney’s Strange World (PG)

Reception and KS1 - Disney’s Strange World (PG)


Friday 16th December – End of term celebration assembly (children only) and last day of term.



Yours sincerely,


Mrs. Rhonda Williams  - Assistant Head





