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St Joseph'sCatholic Primary & Nursery School

Pupil and Parent Questionnaire Results

Pupil questionnaires: We recently carried out a survey of all pupils asking them different questions about their learning, the results of which are summarised below. I’m sure you will agree that they show a very positive response from the children to what is happening in class.
KS1 questionnaire Yes
My teacher tells me the learning objective in all my lessons 97%
Adults help me to know how to make my work better 95%
I do lots of interesting things in my lessons 89%
KS2 Questionnaire Yes
I have opportunities to assess my own work and other people’s work 99%
Adults help me to understand how to use the internet safely 99%
I know I can ask for help when I need it and an adult will help me 99%

Parent questionnaire: This was carried out in December 2015 and 40% of parents responded. Some of the main findings were that:

95% of parents agreed their child is happy in school
93% of parents agreed their child is safe in school

96% of parents agreed their child makes good progress
95% of parents thought their child was well looked after

98% of parents thought their child was well taught
89% of parents believe that the school ensure pupils are well behaved

Areas for improvement: Some parents would like to see greater visibility of senior leaders and governors and to have more information about their child’s progress.

Whilst we are pleased with these results, we are working hard to ensure we make further improvements in the areas that parents have identified as priorities. Thank you to those who took part.